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Mobile Browser - How does it run for you?

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medal 5237 CEO & CTO
8 years 193 days ago
Although the app isn't released yet, we do want the management screens to be playable in mobile browsers (excluding the live race, as this is too heavy to run on many phones).

I've been hearing from some people on iOS in particular that there are problems with touch responses on the game in their mobile browser (difficulty closing dialogs, etc.). I would like more information about this such as which devices people are using when they encounter this, which operating System (iOS10? Android? etc.). Also, please describe exactly what happens in detail. Is there just a delay on closing of about half a second? Or is it not responding at all?

I want to get the mobile browser performance to a top level on all deviecs before we focus on the app.
medal 5000
8 years 193 days ago
For me, on a low level Android, it appears to be working OK - though I've not used it much yet, I much prefer to do everything on the PC.
medal 5000
8 years 189 days ago
iPad Pro here on latest iOS. Cannot select different driver from current employed ones when I go into the 'change' selection option
medal 5000
8 years 189 days ago
Also, can't click the little blue 'i' for information help
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
8 years 189 days ago
iPad Pro here on latest iOS. Cannot select different driver from current employed ones when I go into the 'change' selection option

I've heard this a couple of times. Thanks for keeping me posted, it will be investigated.

Let me know of anything else you find.
medal 5000
8 years 189 days ago
Mobile use for me on an Andriod-powered LG F3 (it's a POS, to be honest) runs the actual homepages very well. I have no issues with this, what so ever.
medal 5000
8 years 189 days ago
Motorola Moto G 3rd Generation, using Chrome
Everything seems to work fine, except some aspects of the forum, such as the buttons (a bit misplaced) and the Edit, Reply and the number of the answer are slighty outside the answer box.

For the rest, it's alright :)
medal 5000
8 years 184 days ago
i have to say that the work tablet/laptop thing sometimes has touch response issues with the log-out button, but i think thats more related to using incognito in Firefox than it is a tablet issue.
medal 5000
8 years 184 days ago
I have a Galaxy s5 Neo. I find every area of the site working extremely well except for the race viewer which wont run at all on either native browser or chrome. Has anyone gotten it to work? Not expecting fireworks by any stretch, but would be handy to try check in on one of my races.

All in all, looking good :)
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
8 years 184 days ago
The race viewer isn't supposed to work on mobiles, it's not designed for it. That's the main reason we'll be releasing a native app for iOS and Android, to get slick race viewer performance to a wide range of phones and tablets. Mobile even has its own race GUI so it fits nicely on to a portrait phone screen.

I have heard of people getting the WebGL viewer to work on the latest high-end tablets and phones, but for this thread at least I'm more interested in any glitches in the management pages / web app.
medal 5000
8 years 184 days ago
Yeah, thought as much. Thanks for the confirmation. Looking forward to the APP :D

No issues found
medal 5000
8 years 180 days ago
The layering effects that are used for various subwindows aren't very intuitive. For example, if you are looking at the Race Results, and then want to access the main menu clicking the menu button appears to do nothing. (It's actually displaying the menu, but UNDER the Race Results layer, so you can't see it.

Also, in the Training screen the checkboxes are unresponsive.
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
8 years 180 days ago
Also, in the Training screen the checkboxes are unresponsive.

medal 5000
8 years 170 days ago
I have some problems with pressing Buttons.

I cant press the menu Buttons if the Display is in Portrait format. But if i switch to landscape format they work. At the main site its the opposite. There the menu only works in Portrait Format

Im Using a galaxy s6 with Android.

Forum works for both formats
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
IOS - race results, when I click the graph icon to get detailed lap info nothing comes up.
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
8 years 97 days ago
iPad Pro here on latest iOS. Cannot select different driver from current employed ones when I go into the 'change' selection option

Also, in the Training screen the checkboxes are unresponsive.

This issue with checkboxes should be massively improved now, although it's still sometimes seems a bit spotty to me. Please let me know how it is for you. I got an iPad to test with today so was able to look in to it.

IOS - race results, when I click the graph icon to get detailed lap info nothing comes up.

Working fine here on an iPad. Is it still happening for you?
medal 5044
8 years 95 days ago
The checkboxes work much better now. I used to have to hold-press the checkboxes for a solid effect.
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
8 years 93 days ago
I just improved it some more, having located an issue with the checkbox implementation. Can you try it again and let me know? It should be perfect on iOS now, or at least as good as any other platform.
medal 5044
8 years 93 days ago
It's working great! Any improvements added don't seem to be noticeable to me yet.
medal 5000
8 years 80 days ago
I generally use my ipad (latest iOS) to do everything except watch the race. So far the only thing I've noticed is the information buttons (i) don't show any information when you hover over them like they do on a laptop.
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