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Intermediate tyre

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medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
Hello, the first race I saw how a guy with intermediate tires run more than 10 laps much faster than many other players, the track was dry, I changed my tyres when rains stop and mount medium, he runs 3 secomds faster than me, could be a bug? thanks
medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
Which track was this? Britain?
medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
Hi Jose. I'm not sure whether this is a bug with intermediates or if this is due to old designs in the new system being skewed and ruining the balance. During the beta we tweaked the effectiveness of dry tyres though not the wets. Perhaps wets need adjusting accordingly. Can you please send me the race so I can investigate. Thank you.
medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
Hey Ricky, thanks for your help, it was on the last (Britain) race and the driver is H Ahmad, of the Exile team, I got a screenshot it shown me with medium tyres 2 laps age and him 7 laps with intermediates and " 7 laps aged" !!! check the pic here, thanks again
medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
Jose, thanks for the information. On the British iGP race results I note that your lap times were very similar on full wets 1:26/1:27, and, as you said, H Ahmad was faster than S Johnson by ~3 seconds intermediates vs mediums. The parity of the full wets times suggests that intermediates are overpowered here. Others have also mentioned that intermediates are too fast in practice. Consequently, in the coming days we'll probably tweak the effectiveness of intermediates so they're not overpowered. Thanks for the report!
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
Jose, thanks for the information. On the British iGP race results I note that your lap times were very similar on full wets 1:26/1:27, and, as you said, H Ahmad was faster than S Johnson by ~3 seconds intermediates vs mediums. The parity of the full wets times suggests that intermediates are overpowered here. Others have also mentioned that intermediates are too fast in practice. Consequently, in the coming days we'll probably tweak the effectiveness of intermediates so they're not overpowered. Thanks for the report!

thanks mate.
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
Which track was this? Britain?

yep Britain.
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
I think this is due to odd design and not to tyre compounds themselves.
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
During the beta in practice sometimes the inters were faster and sometimes the wets, depending on the situation. The inters weren't better all the time.

But maybe the are to strong when its dry ?

But didn't we have a discussion that the mm values of standing water are rounded, and 0 after it stops raining does not necessarly mean the track is allready completly dry ?
medal 5000
8 years 164 days ago
The new weather indicator is not accurate enough and 0mm means 0/19% in the old system.
medal 5000
8 years 164 days ago (edited 8 years 164 days ago)
hmm.. just used my 2 last practise laps on the european GP. One with hards, the other with inters. It's supposed to be dry, but the inters where only 0.05 secs slower

Edit: only 0.05 slower, not faster off course
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