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medal 5000
1 year 197 days ago (Last edited by Jochen Rindt 1 year 197 days ago)
I would like to get a clarification on a few things regarding the game. 

1. Is it permissible to create a private league for testing, to gather data?

To make my point clear: 

Accounts I plan to use in testing league are only intended for testing and not for competing with others.

2. If I'm allowed to have a private testing league, can I sell/buy drivers from fellow accounts in the private league? Or should I buy from one's own youth academy or transfer market?

3. I have two accounts which I race with regularly. One is quite young (but already in Elite) and the other I have been racing with for 5 years. I would like to sell a T30 driver from my main account to the other. Can I do that? 

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