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Game crashes mid race

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medal 5000
1 year 178 days ago
What did you try to do?
Racing a league race

What happened instead?
The game crashed mid race (whole app just closed) happened for a few days in a row now

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Huawei p30 lite

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Happens randomly

Additional comments:
medal 5193
1 year 174 days ago
?noone responding...
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 174 days ago
Hello Fynn,

I'm going to recommend clearing your cache first. Then, make sure you have all other apps on your phone closed when you go to play a league race. The problem could be linked to your device's RAM.
medal 5000
1 year 174 days ago

Hello Fynn,

I'm going to recommend clearing your cache first. Then, make sure you have all other apps on your phone closed when you go to play a league race. The problem could be linked to your device's RAM.

Hello Ovih, 

I've cleared cache multiple times since the game started to crash (ingame and over phone settings). During the races I always have any other app in the background closed, ram should be fine too(4Gb)
medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 174 days ago
Hey Fynn,

Android phones have a poor RAM management sometimes. If you want to fully avoid the crash try to play with 2D viewer instead.
medal 5000
1 year 173 days ago

Hey Fynn,

Android phones have a poor RAM management sometimes. If you want to fully avoid the crash try to play with 2D viewer instead.

Alright I'll try that. Is there nothing I can do against it to keep playing in 3d? Also it happend like twice that it crashed while setting up strat / training driver so I'm not sure if that'll help... But I'll try it ?
medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 173 days ago
Hey again,

If that’s the case there’s something wrong with your device. I would recommend a factory reset. I can suggest you a guide if you are un experiencing with the process. Let me know Fynn!
medal 5000
1 year 173 days ago

Hey again,

If that’s the case there’s something wrong with your device. I would recommend a factory reset. I can suggest you a guide if you are un experiencing with the process. Let me know Fynn!

Alright, I'll try a few things you or some others recommend to me, if that doesn't work I'll try to reset my phone - thanks for your help! 
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