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Max. Pitstops

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medal 5000
1 year 176 days ago
Hi everyone! Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of pitstops you can make during a race. I know race strategy only allows 4 but I've made 6 during a race before. Does it top out somewhere or can I make as many as I please?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5213
1 year 176 days ago

Hi everyone! Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of pitstops you can make during a race. I know race strategy only allows 4 but I've made 6 during a race before. Does it top out somewhere or can I make as many as I please?

You can do as many as you wish, however I dont suggest it ?

medal 5213
1 year 176 days ago

Hi everyone! Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of pitstops you can make during a race. I know race strategy only allows 4 but I've made 6 during a race before. Does it top out somewhere or can I make as many as I please?

You can do as many as you wish, however I dont suggest it ?

medal 5000
1 year 176 days ago

Hi everyone! Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of pitstops you can make during a race. I know race strategy only allows 4 but I've made 6 during a race before. Does it top out somewhere or can I make as many as I please?

You can do as many as you wish, however I dont suggest it ?

Incoming 20 stop strategy ?
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