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Devastating problem with old design VS new design system (for new seasons)

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medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago (edited 8 years 163 days ago)
Hi, I thought about this potential problem some days ago and Sam noticed it turned real in his other league.

The situation is pretty easy : The old design in percentages was converted into design points to help us finish our started season (ex : 100% gave 350 design points). But transition seasons are now finishing and we are now in the situation where old teams not in a league (who kept their converted points) join new seasons league and face teams with new design system (3-7 points per stat at the start in Australia) causing this kind or results :
Malaysia, The F1 World.

I think the easier way to correct it is to put with the correct amount of points when a team joins a league. Hope you understand the problem as this is potentially never ending (an old team can join a league mid 2017 with 350 design points).
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
But the points are supposed to clear at the end of a season, so inactive teams who didn't spend their points should have lost them? Also, if they're inactive, they can't have spent them now. Could this be more about the level cap glitch?
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
I think, old team already there even they're inactive.. so nobody can get 350 DPs if the old team to return at mid 2017 because DPs going to zero every season.. well.. let's see how going on at the end of season to figured it out.
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
I've retired 2 of my teams from their leagues.
my first team was retired in the middle of the season and it still has all it's design points in the car (for ex 50 in accel and 45 in fuel economy)
my second team was retired after the last race and before australia. this teams has just 1 design poing on every part +bonus.
i'm afraid something went wrong. (this second team, was in that league Joey is showing. but i retired it before australia)
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
yeah, give them facility lvl * runned races DP
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
I editted the "inactive teams" because I wanted to say teams not currently in a league or teams with converted design points (currently in a league) joining another league (where a new season and then new design system has begun).

@Dan : The 1 point team is a bug for sure, in beta a team joining a league (from unemployment or another league) started at 1 point.
medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
Hi. I want to add that i moved my team to another league.
My team had some design points from previous league as i joined the new league was the last race but i could not race because was less than 24 hours from previous race. So now is first race of new season and i still have the design points of previous league.
medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
Since the beta, I somehow always end up getting the car with all the stats at 1. This time, some of my league mates were given 200 design points to upgrade their car at the start of new season, while I got zero :)
medal 5320
8 years 162 days ago
I've had my teams in limbo until the dust settles a bit so I have 120+ design points which will obviously throw things out when I do get around to joining a league.

Perhaps a full design reset to 1 when joining a league would solve some of the inheritance issues (and any potential 'league hoppers'). I don't mind taking the hit in the interest of fair play.
medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
@I B : Design resetted to 1 or even "Full 4" or "Full 6" for example (the amount you start with in Australia).
The sure thing is this is taking more and more space in the leagues, the MJL started Friday with a couple of "old design" teams.
medal 5000
8 years 160 days ago (edited 8 years 160 days ago)
Is it possible to reset my teams design point pls is much higher and i can't play with the others
my profile
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