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Tyre wear percentages the same

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medal 5762
1 year 173 days ago
Hi not sure whether this is a bug or not so posted here.
But the last race in Brazil on both cars my during practice on mediums and hards I had the same tyre wear at 3% on both compounds, I obviously choose the quicker tyre but they absolutely died after 15 laps not the 20 they were supposed to.
The hards were useless as I tried switching so just wondered if this is normal. 

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000
1 year 173 days ago (Last edited by Rhys James 1 year 172 days ago)
In practice, wear is rounded (I believe it is truncated but this may be wrong as it's hard to tell) to the nearest whole %age. Therefore 3% could be much more- 3.4% in either system, for instance.
Wear between compounds always follows the same ratios (SS wear * (you'll have to find out)= Softs wear, for instance) so H will always wear less than M regardless of what practice says. 

Clarification, just in case:
Rounded: 2.50 to 3.49(...) round to 3
Truncated: 3.00 to 3.99(...) round to 3

Edit for grammar fix ?
medal 5000
1 year 173 days ago (Last edited by Rhys James 1 year 172 days ago)
In practice, wear is rounded (I believe it is truncated but this may be wrong as it's hard to tell) to the nearest whole %age. Therefore 3% could be much more- 3.4% in either system, for instance.
Wear between compounds always follows the same ratios (SS wear * (you'll have to find out)= Softs wear, for instance) so H will always wear less than M regardless of what practice says. 

Clarification, just in case:
Rounded: 2.50 to 3.49(...) round to 3
Truncated: 3.00 to 3.99(...) round to 3

Edit for grammar fix ?
medal 5762
1 year 173 days ago
Confusing but thanks anyway ?
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