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José Trujillo

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medal 5000
1 year 172 days ago
bro, you said that "development league 19" was suspended for farming, but now I see that it is active again with the same farming ghosts that were before, the league is back to normal and can I join it again?, as long as " Ron Dennis" who was the former admin of the league left and gave the admin to "Joan Villadelprat" the league filled with ghosts for farming and no real manager joined it anymore...I never liked him and I would recommend you ban him at least from the league and give the league admin to me and I can make the league competitive again
medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 172 days ago
Hey Rafael,

Thanks for reaching out for your issue. I’ve suspended permanently (again) all the accounts farming. I considered your proposal but the managers left at the league after the removal were to few so it’s better to relocate them to a more active league.
medal 5000
1 year 172 days ago

Hey Rafael,

Thanks for reaching out for your issue. I’ve suspended permanently (again) all the accounts farming. I considered your proposal but the managers left at the league after the removal were to few so it’s better to relocate them to a more active league.

thanks bro, but I would like to revive that league again because I like it a lot and since I started playing igp manager I play in that league, I have a great affection for that league and I don't know why I like it so much ?

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