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Spectate live races

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medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
When I want to watch the live race of my league or any other one, i get a pop up screen with downloading 0.0/1 and when I don't close it immediately my whole computer stops responding.

In the old version I could also only see the live timing screen, but that was still exciting to watch... Now I have nothing.

P.S.: I have seen the post that I need to search the forum in case there is allready a thread about this subject, but I can't find any search function on the forum.
medal 5410 CEO & CTO
8 years 161 days ago
There is some good information here:

We are also hoping to release a new viewer today with quality settings for lower-spec machines. Make sure you have the very latest version of whatever browser you are using.

If you are using Internet Explorer then try Firefox, Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
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