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Turn on Promotion/Relegation?

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medal 5000
1 year 148 days ago
Hey guys, I’m the “commissioner” in league right now with about 12-14 players and we have promotion/relegation turned off. We are thinking about adding a ton of new players so we are thinking about turning on promotion and relegation for future seasons. How quickly would we be able to push people up in the ranks to make room for new players?
medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 148 days ago
Hey Connor,

You can find this information in the game FAQ, point 1.3: click here
medal 5000
1 year 148 days ago

Hey Connor,

You can find this information in the game FAQ, point 1.3: click here

Hey José, thanks for the response! I have seen that before but what I meaning from my question is if I turn on the promotion/relegation going into our second season, will the game recognize our second season as our “first season” and then 4 players will get promoted afterwards or will we miss our opportunity for 4 people to get promoted and we would only promote 3 sense it is technically our second season?

(sorry I know that was a lot and was probably confusing but I hope I got the point across lol)
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 148 days ago
It will be treated as the second season.
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