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medal 5000
8 years 173 days ago
Hello , any news about the subscriptors, I mean , tokens upgrades, thanks.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 173 days ago
I'll probably be processing this tomorrow. I was waitig for PayPal to reply to an enquiry about how to re-send some transactions to our payment system that were lost during the migration, but they have not replied.

I think it is taking too long, so I will act tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.
medal 5000
8 years 173 days ago
I'll probably be processing this tomorrow. I was waitig for PayPal to reply to an enquiry about how to re-send some transactions to our payment system that were lost during the migration, but they have not replied.

I think it is taking too long, so I will act tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

Jack I don't mean to receive any money from paypal o whatever, if you can, just put the rest of the money in tokens, , what do you think?,
Thanks Jose Luis.

medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 173 days ago
Yes, that's what I mean too. Like I described in my blog:

But I have been held up from addressing this waiting for information from PayPal about something relating to the subscriptions. They have not replied, so I didn't start the work yet. I think I will start tomorrow anyway because it's not fair for people to wait any longer. Some will be missing which renewed between 26th August to 30th August because of the problem I was hoping PayPal would help me with, but I will have to talk to those people personally because PayPal just ignored our emails!
medal 5000
8 years 173 days ago
Yes, that's what I mean too. Like I described in my blog:

But I have been held up from addressing this waiting for information from PayPal about something relating to the subscriptions. They have not replied, so I didn't start the work yet. I think I will start tomorrow anyway because it's not fair for people to wait any longer. Some will be missing which renewed between 26th August to 30th August because of the problem I was hoping PayPal would help me with, but I will have to talk to those people personally because PayPal just ignored our emails!

I'm glad to hear that, thanks again, the solution can be : every subscriptor could send to you the date of purchase the you could calculated how many months they are left, could be a solution?
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