Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 8 years 160 days ago
so, i just finished the Singapore race in 1st and i noticed something standing out in all 3 groups, they have all received mass suspension failures, one group (pro) all had suspension failures, not one car finished there and another group (Rookie) only had one survivor, in the group i am in (Elite) just under half the grid survived but the rest were from suspension failures.
the amount of them should not be possible.
Jack Basford medal 5413
CEO & CTO 8 years 160 days ago
I remember a few years ago Singapore had issues with some kerb that was killing suspension. Maybe they re-installed it for this race.
Just kidding. On a more serious note I just applied a patch that should stop this from happening in future. It seems that your league is quite inactive, because this is just caused by worn out cars breaking down.
Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 8 years 159 days ago
the same issue across the board even with inactive teams? i mean even if a team had little reliability left any number of different things could of caused a retirement: an engine blow out, brakes, transmission, driver error, gearbox, steering wheel failure, damage to the cars radiators and wing failures for example, but instead everyone had the exact same issue, the number of them though is a bit suspicious.
it's why i brought it up, never seen a race in real life have this same issue across all teams, it shouldn't be possible because teams run different suspension profiles.
anyway, thanks.
Christian Meister medal 5000 8 years 159 days ago
I think there is currently no other "text" then the suspension one for retirements.
Jack Basford medal 5413
CEO & CTO 8 years 159 days ago
It's something I've brought to the attention of Ricky, the sim dev. He will be working on it soon. It's more of a display issue than a simulation issue, and something we'll add some variety to.
Christian Meister medal 5000 8 years 159 days ago
Yeah, and I guess the priorities in the last day's were somewhere else then in cosmetics...