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medal 6101
1 year 137 days ago (Last edited by Samu Jalonen 1 year 137 days ago)
Mitä yritit tehdä?
I tried to do physics but nothing happened

Mitä tapahtui?
My driver resistance IS 30 , but no Weight loss? Fitness decreased and training went to zero

Tapahtuiko ongelma käyttäessäsi Wi-Fiä, mobiilidataa vai molempia?
Mobile data

Ilmenikö bugi apissa, PC:llä tai molemmissa?

Mikä on laitteesi malli?
One Plus 10T

Mikä on sen käyttöjärjestelmä?

Mikä on käyttöjärjestelmän versio?

Voiko vikaa toistaa?

Muita kommentteja:
can you raise any other skill ,because condition decreased and so did the training points ?
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 137 days ago
Hi Samu

Both of the drivers in your team who are visible to me have "green" BMI, if you are referring to either of these then the fact they are not losing any weight is correct. If you are referring to a different driver please provide a link.
medal 6101
1 year 137 days ago
I trained Di Luca , can you do anything or did i just lose condition and one full training ?
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 136 days ago
Di Luca is fully trained in Physical attributes, I suggest you switch training to Driving Ability

Mods do not have the authority or tools to change anything in the game and Support will not intervene to correct mis-clicks. Health will recover in 20 hours so you haven't lost much.
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