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Drivers perks

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medal 5000
1 year 137 days ago
Hello ? 
 I was wondering what the gains are for a driver's specific track? Is it a % increase in speed ? Same question for the drivers specialist perk. It would be cool to know what these perks actually do before I buy and spend tokens on on making them the best. Thanks.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5007
1 year 137 days ago
Driver's Favorite Track:

There's an increase in overall qualifying & race pace for that specific track. You'll have to find out range of pace increase yourself, but the range is pretty obvious just from a few tests.

Driver Special Abilities:

Each ability does exactly as the name suggests and again you'll have to figure out the pace increase yourself but in general -

Race Craft: Aids in wheel - wheel racing.
Qualifying: Increases your qualifying pace.
Street Circuit: Applies to only the tracks characterized as a street track, not to be confused with urban tracks.
Wet Weather: Aids with pace for wet races.

You will not get specific percentages of what each does as this is a management game and it's up to us as the players to figure it out.

Hopefully that helps you in some way and good luck with your tests ?.
medal 5007
1 year 137 days ago
Driver's Favorite Track:

There's an increase in overall qualifying & race pace for that specific track. You'll have to find out range of pace increase yourself, but the range is pretty obvious just from a few tests.

Driver Special Abilities:

Each ability does exactly as the name suggests and again you'll have to figure out the pace increase yourself but in general -

Race Craft: Aids in wheel - wheel racing.
Qualifying: Increases your qualifying pace.
Street Circuit: Applies to only the tracks characterized as a street track, not to be confused with urban tracks.
Wet Weather: Aids with pace for wet races.

You will not get specific percentages of what each does as this is a management game and it's up to us as the players to figure it out.

Hopefully that helps you in some way and good luck with your tests ?.
medal 5041
1 year 137 days ago
Legendary Racecraft trumps everything by a big margin
medal 5007
1 year 137 days ago

Legendary Racecraft trumps everything by a big margin

In terms of best bang for your buck, yes it is.
In terms of what each ability does and if used under the right conditions, then no your statement is incorrect.
medal 5000
1 year 137 days ago
Thanks for the detailed reply, appreciate it.
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