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    medal 0
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This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 4838
1 year 133 days ago
Что Вы пытались сделать?
Buy a coins

Что случилось вместо этого?
Another price

Возникла ли проблема при использовании Wi-Fi, мобильных данных или их обоих?

Баг произошел в приложении на смартфоне, в браузере на ПК или везде?

Какая модель вашего устройства?
Samsung s22 ultra

Какая операционная система?

Какой номер версии операционной системы?
Not sure

Может ли баг быть воспроизведен?
Showing price is 1030 coins for 0.99$
Which is not true. Transaction asking for 99$

Дополнительные комментарии:
Showing price is 1030 coins for 0.99$
Which is not true. Transaction asking for 99$
medal 5000
1 year 133 days ago
This is a common visual bug, please do not purchase that, as the prices are still true to what they are. Please clear your cache and the issue should be resolved.
medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 132 days ago
please do not purchase that


Just a note in response to this. You can still purchase the items however please be prepared for the normal price to be applied at the checkout. 
If you're not sure what the normal price is, clear cache before purchasing, and the normal price should appear.

Other than this minor clarification, everything Austin says is correct.
medal 5000
1 year 132 days ago
Definitely didn't mean to deter a sale, however saw it as a means to send something urgently in case he purchased it without looking at the second screen where it corrects and tells you what it will charge your account. Yes of course you can purchase it but you will not be paying the visually affected listed price.
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