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Youth Academy Refresh

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medal 5000
1 year 109 days ago

I've pondered the idea for a potential to make a minor change to the Youth Academy, as I know it was once different.

I'm unsure of how easy this is to make happen, as you'd have to alter the code that provides the odds generated into the YA, but for coin refreshes in the Youth Academy, it obviously gives you a new list of drivers, at random.

Being that the refresh costs 46 coins, making it insane for anyone to refresh, I figured it could potentially be beneficial to make it more usable if there were something implemented like every second refresh guarantees a T30, no particular age, weight, or height but just a T30 in general, of course with YA level being high enough (I believe I've only seen lvl 20+ generate T30).

Just a thought but would like to hear other perspectives.
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