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Selling driver auction

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medal 5000
8 years 173 days ago
it looks that i received no money from selling my driver with an auction.

As i remember My player named Jansen, was in early 20's (22-24 or sth like that) and had driving skills around level 3-4 and a talent rating of just 2, maybe as i remember.

the question is if he got saled or just disappeared oO
medal 5088
8 years 173 days ago
If you send the driver off for auction then you will not see your money until somebody buys out the driver's contract.

It's an option that gets you more money than just selling a contract immediately, but it takes a long time. I think at a certain point, the auction timer may expire and the driver returns to your roster... Not sure though.
medal 5000
8 years 173 days ago (edited 8 years 173 days ago)
Well, i had tried to auction him twice. First time i saw The auction if i click at the driver, but he was already in my team list. then the timer run out (as nobody bought him) and i starter another auction. Now the driver is just gone and my amount of money doesnt look any bigger (my balance was defnitive never below 10 million and at the moment its 10.1 million.

oh i forgot to mention, i started this auction around midnight or sth
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 172 days ago
It appears he was sold, we are aware of an issue here when auctioning drivers. I can manually send you the value of this driver now if you want, or I can wait for a reply from another dev about how much he actually sold for to see if they have that information in the auction server.
medal 5000
8 years 172 days ago
well, i would like to wait for the reply for the correct value.

thx in regards :)
medal 5000
8 years 172 days ago
Hi Jack,

I think I have might have had the same issue, I was actually going to suggest a specific heading in fiances listed as Transfers? I have spent so much money the past few days I dont know if I received the money from the sale or not?

medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
I think I had the same issue, a driver that was in auction and disappeared from my roster but I received no money. I can't remember the name of the driver but I do remember he was young (18-20) and from Czech Republic if that helps. Now I have another driver in auction and I know how much money do I have, so I will confirm if happens again or not for sure.
medal 5000
8 years 160 days ago
There was an issue whereby auction payments were not being credited when a driver or member of staff was sold at auction. This has now been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
I have also sold a driver in an auction to which i havnt received any money for. from this account i think

driver name e brundle.

treid searching for him and cant even find him using the search button
medal 5000
8 years 156 days ago
Still awaiting any response to this one.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 156 days ago
The cash has just been sent for the value of E Brundle. :)
medal 5000
8 years 156 days ago
ok thanks jack do you know on what account as ive looked on them all and can not see it.

thanks i know ur busy.
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