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medal 5089
1 year 131 days ago

This gentleman insults all the people in this game who are better than him as a cheater. He causes people to have to leave the league and then leaves the league himself. Please take a look at this account and let it be known that this is not a white thing
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 131 days ago
Hey Pieper,

I’m sorry you’ve to deal with such a nasty accusation. I’ll have a look with the mod team and will take a decision.
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 126 days ago
Hey Pieper,

We wanted to inform you that the report you submitted concerning the offensive player has been thoroughly reviewed, and we have taken the necessary actions to address the issue.

After a comprehensive investigation, it was determined that the behaviour of the offensive player violated our code of conduct and ToS.

As a result, we have taken the following actions:

  1. The manager responsible for addressing this matter has been sanctioned.

  2. The manager has been given a formal warning to ensure that such incidents are promptly and effectively addressed in the future.

We take all reports seriously and are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all our players. Your willingness to report the issue played a crucial role in resolving it, and we appreciate your cooperation.

If you have any further concerns or encounter any similar issues in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are here to support you in every possible way.
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