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Wrong Staff

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medal 5000
1 year 123 days ago
I'm very confused. I bought a new CD when I levelled up. I can see it when I go select the active CD but it doesn't change when I select it and I can't use it. Instead, I have a L1 TD which I never bought but I have it as a reserve staff. But I can't even sell it because this TD actually has conract with another team.
I'll leave screenshots as I don't know how to explain this properly and how is this even possible.

medal 5809
1 year 123 days ago (Last edited by Hokshing Ho 1 year 123 days ago)
Chief Designer and Technical Director are different thing…

For TD issue, it is no problem at all, if you have L1 TD at reserve, it means he is inactive, you probably forget to fired him after use high level TD replace him.

You are using L9 TD, right?
medal 5000
1 year 123 days ago

Chief Designer and Technical Director are different thing…

For TD issue, it is no problem at all, if you have L1 TD at reserve, it means he is inactive, you probably forget to fired him after use high level TD replace him.

I never bought him and I can't even sell him cause it shows he's under contract with another team. I bought a CD, which shows when I go select it but can't actually use it cause it seems the game says I have bought it but I don't have him. Instead, I got this TD which I never bought and can't sell.
medal 5809
1 year 123 days ago


Chief Designer and Technical Director are different thing…

For TD issue, it is no problem at all, if you have L1 TD at reserve, it means he is inactive, you probably forget to fired him after use high level TD replace him.

I never bought him and I can't even sell him cause it shows he's under contract with another team. I bought a CD, which shows when I go select it but can't actually use it cause it seems the game says I have bought it but I don't have him. Instead, I got this TD which I never bought and can't sell.

Can you send me video or something?

medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 123 days ago
Hi. I just saw this and it is indeed wrong I will escalate to Devs and Support.
Thanks for reporting.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 122 days ago

The problem should be fixed. Please, check it out.
medal 5000
1 year 122 days ago
Yes. Thank you. 
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