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L30 Engine MFG

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medal 6063
1 year 117 days ago
Has it been decided if there will be a cost to switch engine weakness once you hit L30? If so, what is it? Thanks

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5033
1 year 117 days ago

Has it been decided if there will be a cost to switch engine weakness once you hit L30? If so, what is it? Thanks

There is no cost to switch your L30 engine weaknesses. You obviously need the engine tokens to get it to level 30 (max).

You are allowed to use any attribute excluding what you've chosen as your strength, cooling and reliability as your weakness.
medal 5033
1 year 117 days ago

Has it been decided if there will be a cost to switch engine weakness once you hit L30? If so, what is it? Thanks

There is no cost to switch your L30 engine weaknesses. You obviously need the engine tokens to get it to level 30 (max).

You are allowed to use any attribute excluding what you've chosen as your strength, cooling and reliability as your weakness.
medal 6063
1 year 116 days ago
Ah so cooling/reliability will NOT be allowed to be used for the weakness? Am I understanding that correctly?
medal 5000
1 year 116 days ago
Yes that is correct.
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