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Promotion & Demotion Of Teams

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medal 4720
1 year 109 days ago
I’ve recently been growing my league, “Xcelerate” extremely quick, but I’ve ran into an issue! A player by the name of “Mike Lawton” (Harley Quinn Racing) joined our league, but was put into the elite division rather than pros! He’s the only player there as of now, is there anyway I can get him demoted into pros? 

In addition, I have a player named Johan Cohen who joined some time ago and even with his high level, was placed into the pros, for future reference, if any more join and the same issue happens, what can I do to prevent that? 

To add onto this question, is there anyway I can control when teams are promoted and demoted? I would like for my league to not promote into elites up until we have 12 pro teams and when we do promote to elite, I’d like for at least 5 teams to promote rather than 2. (Our league only runs twice a week, it’s more for busy people tryna have fun here & there!) 

Thank you, 
medal 5466 Super Mod
1 year 109 days ago

I have just taken a look and Mike Lawton appears to be in the Pro division, so they must have found a way to relegate themselves since you wrote your thread.

The tier you are placed in when joining a league is always the same as the tier you were in at the time you left your previous league - so for example, as my account is currently in Elite, if I joined your league, I would automatically join in the Elite tier.

In relation to hosts being able to control how many managers are promoted/relegated per season - it is not possible. It will always be the top and bottom 2/4 teams¹ (1/2 car leagues respectively) and this is indicated by the green/red lines on the league standings. Promotions only happen when the tier is st least half full, and relegations only happen when the tier has at least 15/29 managers (2/1 car leagues respectively).

¹ For brand new leagues, the number of teams promoted in the first couple of seasons is different - more information can be found in Section 1.3 of the iGP Manager Rules and Regulations, linked here.

Best of luck with your new league, and if you need any further assistance, please feel free to ask.
medal 4720
1 year 109 days ago
Thank you so much, helped a ton! The team was moved down fortunately, I guess I’ll have to look for elite teams once we have teams promoting haha, maybe you’d be interested ??
medal 5055
1 year 108 days ago


I have just taken a look and Mike Lawton appears to be in the Pro division, so they must have found a way to relegate themselves since you wrote your thread.

The tier you are placed in when joining a league is always the same as the tier you were in at the time you left your previous league - so for example, as my account is currently in Elite, if I joined your league, I would automatically join in the Elite tier.

In relation to hosts being able to control how many managers are promoted/relegated per season - it is not possible. It will always be the top and bottom 2/4 teams¹ (1/2 car leagues respectively) and this is indicated by the green/red lines on the league standings. Promotions only happen when the tier is st least half full, and relegations only happen when the tier has at least 15/29 managers (2/1 car leagues respectively).

¹ For brand new leagues, the number of teams promoted in the first couple of seasons is different - more information can be found in Section 1.3 of the iGP Manager Rules and Regulations, linked here.

Best of luck with your new league, and if you need any further assistance, please feel free to ask.

I thought hosts had the ability to turn promotion off?

medal 5466 Super Mod
1 year 108 days ago

Yes, hosts can turn promotion and relegation off (Sorry, I missed that part of the post), but when promotion and relegation are turn on, it will always follow the conditions I mentioned in my original reply.
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