Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 1 year 109 days ago
Project Zero is a competitive off-line league with a dedicated Discord server. 100%, 2.0x race speed, one-car, alternate seasons are NRF and Refuelling Allowed. Race time 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET.
You will need to apply to the league host to be added to the waiting list for next season which will start Monday 27th November. The host will also provide you with a link to the Discord server.
Project Zero is a competitive off-line league with a dedicated Discord server. 100%, 2.0x race speed, one-car, alternate seasons are NRF and Refuelling Allowed. Race time 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET.
You will need to apply to the league host to be added to the waiting list for next season which will start Monday 27th November. The host will also provide you with a link to the Discord server.