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Pace Struggles

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medal 4720
1 year 101 days ago
Recently, I was able to get a team demoted into my pro division and Im loving it, but because of their level & extreme driver talent, they’re dominating, I was wondering if theres anyway weights can be added just as they were added to another team in the pro divison, Johan Cohen.
medal 5466 Super Mod
1 year 101 days ago

The weight ballast that is added to some teams in the Rookie and Pro tiers is an automatic measure in an attempt to balance the fields.

The following quotations is taken from the iGP Manager Rules and Regulations:
"Ballast is used in leagues to handicap teams which exceed the regulated performance for the tier (see 3.1 below for more on levels). In leagues, ballast is added as 1kg per level exceeding the tier level cap plus one additional kilogram. For example: a team that is 3 levels over the tier level cap would carry 4kg of ballast (3x1+1), a team that is 7 levels over would use 8kg (7x1+1) and so on."

The level caps per tier are as follows:
Rookie - Level 10
Pro - Level 20
Elite - Level 30

The iGP Manager Rules and Regulations can be found here.
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