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Car stats reset

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medal 5035
1 year 95 days ago
So my car stats reset for no apparent reason after the end of my leagues previous season and I went from almost 40 in acc downforce handling and braking to just 12 and 11. Is there a reason why? It hasn’t done this in previous seasons
medal 5466 Super Mod
1 year 94 days ago

Car designs reset at the end of every season. 

One of the reasons your new design is abnormally low, is your CD - always try to have a CD which is 5* (or the same level as your team) with a strength in one of the big 4 - This will help to maximise your start of season design.

More information, including what is defined as "Big 4" and how start of season design is calculated, can be found in the Car Design guide, written by SuperMod, Kevin Bissell.
The guide can be found here.

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
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