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Pit crew help

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medal 5000
1 year 81 days ago
Hello I skiped by mistake what pitcrew stats do so if somebody can explain me what atrophy variance and morale influence please?
and also additional stuff I might missed?
medal 5466 Super Mod
1 year 81 days ago

From the tutorial, the stats you mentioned are described as:

Atrophy is the rate at which all a crew's skills, except for Morale, will decline per league race. Training or increasing salary can counteract atrophy.

Variance is also affected by salary and determines the amount of variance in a pit crew's performance. Higher variance means they may less reliably deliver their peak performance.

Pit crew morale behaves differently to driver morale and even skills of the other Pit Crew. In each league race, higher salaried crews gain morale, whereas lower paid crews lose it.

On a side note, all iGP Manager tutorials can be re-enabled by following this link -
medal 5033
1 year 81 days ago
Hello Vergea,

You can re-enable the tutorial here:
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