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Second car for quick races?

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medal 5000
1 year 81 days ago
Hi, the title is self explanatory. Can I use the second car for quick races? I figured out switching pilots by having a third pilot as a reserve, since I can't select which pilot out of the two for quick races.

Same issue with cars, I want to use my second car (mainly because of the car's and engine's condition) for a quick race.
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 81 days ago
Hey Kubilay,

It’s only possible to use the first car for Quick Races in order to stop farming. Thanks!
medal 5000
1 year 81 days ago

Hey Kubilay,

It’s only possible to use the first car for Quick Races in order to stop farming. Thanks!

Hey Jose, thanks for the answer.

Just wondering what do you mean by farming quick races?
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 81 days ago
If you had two cars you could farm cash and experience for free more easily. I know it is not your case but there are a few unsportsmanlike players that forces us to take these decisions.
medal 5004
1 year 80 days ago
I figured out switching pilots by having a third pilot as a reserve, since I can't select which pilot out of the two for quick races.

On a side note, you dont need a reserve driver to switch roles. You would just need to tick one driver in the switch drivers UI if you only have 2, and they auto become the 1st driver. If you do intend to have 3 drivers then it becomes a problem to select a 1st driver using the method I just stated. Hope this helps!
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