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Pit crew training = negative progress

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medal 5002
1 year 79 days ago
What did you try to do?
Trained pit crew, right rear, x1, co-ordination, started with 100 health and 82 progress.

What happened instead?
Right rear now sits at 60 health with 42 progress, after multiple training cycles and attempts to reproduce for this post.
Why is progress reducing? The right rear did not level up.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Reproduced using 'All' as the training target and 'co-ordination' as the training target.

Additional comments:
please reverse my energy and progress to 100 - 82.
medal 5677 Community Manager
1 year 79 days ago
Hey Giorgio,

Please ensure you clear your app cache if you experience any issues. This can be done either in 'Settings' in the app or by doing a CTRL+F5 refresh on browsers.
medal 5002
1 year 79 days ago
I cleared the cache during the attempts I made earlier. 

I've cleared the cache again, the difference now is that instead of 1x costing 10 health, it cost 5 health but the progress went down by 12 rather than 10.

This was all done via Chrome browser. Can you please change the progress value at least to what it was?

medal 5677 Community Manager
1 year 79 days ago
Understood Giorgio. I’ll open an investigation to clarify what’s going on and solve the problem.

We might log in your account in order to perform some checks and tests. Tokens might vary while we perform these experiments but rest assured a refund will be made once this is solved plus tokens gifted as compensation.
medal 5002
1 year 79 days ago
Understood Giorgio. I’ll open an investigation to clarify what’s going on and solve the problem.

We might log in your account in order to perform some checks and tests. Tokens might vary while we perform these experiments but rest assured a refund will be made once this is solved plus tokens gifted as compensation.

Thank you, Jose. Hope its a minor issue.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
1 year 78 days ago
Hi Giorgio, the level is not increasing because your RR crew is set to 'Coordination' training only, and their coordination level is 30/30.

Training other areas should resolve this. The UI is not communicating clearly enough though, so I'll think up a way to get it clearer.
medal 5105
1 year 78 days ago
The easiest solution would be to add the value next to the label (below it perhaps, as there is enough vertical space to play with compared to horizontal).
medal 5002
1 year 78 days ago
Hi Giorgio, the level is not increasing because your RR crew is set to 'Coordination' training only, and their coordination level is 30/30.

Training other areas should resolve this. The UI is not communicating clearly enough though, so I'll think up a way to get it clearer.

Thanks for the response, makes sense. I was also using the UI in a way where if you click/select a certain area on the pit crew image next to the health and progress I assumed it would load that 'specific' area in the pit crew training, which it does not do. This is why I was trying to train Coordination for RR when it should of been for LR. My bad for not checking the title.

Seeing negative progress made me focus on that as opposed to check my training setup.

Thank you

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