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Inconsistency with rain

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medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
Hi, I've raced 4 races under wet conditions since August 26th and I noticed some inconsistencies with wet weather.

Here is the basic context :
During the first weeks of beta, wet weather tended to cap at 3.5/4mm giving more life to inters and mixing strategies between them and wet full tyres and I was happy about that. However in the last few days in August it rained in Malaysia and something unexpected happened, despite it was raining for 1/2 hours the race started at 2mm and we only achieved 3mm in the last few laps, no need to specify it rained for the entire race.

Now let's take a recent example :
Tuesday (Malaysia), it started to rain 7/8m before qualifying, knowing that and how weather worked during beta I did test runs till the last minute (:19) between inters and wet full and inters were the obvious choice 4s faster so I picked them for the first stint. But as soon as the qualifying finished I opened the viewer and noticed at ":26" that the track was at 5mm wet !

2 days after, the same happened in China : It started to rain 10m before qualifying so I did the same testing both inters and wet full till the end and they again were 4s faster as well but knowing what happened in the last race I opted for wet full to not be fooled like the previous race. And this time .. the race started at 2mm and even if it rained for half of the race (13/14 laps) we never saw 3mm and then it started to dry. Last example with Japan 2 weeks ago where it rained for hours before the race and during it and where it started and finished at 2mm ..

In conclusion it seems there is something wrong with wet weather not able to gain wetness when it rains and starting with irregular values at the start of a race (5mm in Malaysia, 2mm in China).
medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
The beauty of weather it's always unpredictable their is no icon for light & heavy rain their is just rain.
It takes a while for the track to get wet and a while for it to dry up. That's a good thing! But we need to know if the rain is light or heavy
Yesterday is Spain during setup it showed at the bottom sunny but the drivers feedback was showing wet.
Might your experience of China been the same? You tested inters and wets but the drivers feedback was a dry track.
medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
ive noticed in the past for practice weather that it can vary a lot more than i like. so far i have kept up with it, but one day i may not be able to and probably won't score anything while those who took the risk and waited for the last moment can take full advantage. i kind of wish the weather was more static, one day it would be sunny, another day it would be raining but it never changes on that day.

this puts some managers out of the game for that race, because not everyone can make it a race at the last moments before it's all locked down and the previous days worth of practice means nothing. You can't expect everyone to be on to get that last moment setup in and find out that other teams have taken full advantage of it.
medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
It takes a while for the track to get wet and a while for it to dry up.

Not really, it's even drying faster now, but as for the rain you can wait it for ages ^^

As for setups it was wet in both sides (weather and drivers) so no prob at this point, got the same results 20s before quali (inters = 4s faster than wet full for BOTH races) but tracks randomly started at 5mm for Malaysia and 2mm for China.

You can't expect everyone to be on to get that last moment setup in and find out that other teams have taken full advantage of it.

This is not possible for the reason I pointed before.
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