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Can't repair car but shouldn't need to

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medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
My Carlin team in Forumula Ludo has an issue. I have already set car 2 up for the race in less than an hour but now when I go to the setup it tells me that the car is in a bad way and needs repairing. When I click the red button I go to the repair page but it was fully repaired yesterday and the bar shows as 100%. I have just wasted an engine on it as well in case it was that.

medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
Just noticed that the car has the wrong driver in it. It has M_Davies and it should be C_White according to the lineup. I have just resaved the driver lineup and it appears to have cleared the problem.

medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 166 days ago
Okay, that is strange... I see you signed one of these drivers yesterday at 17:00:36 GMT.

It's possible files were uploading to the site around this time for an update test before the final deployment and something unusual happened. For example, it's possible a function to assign a car to the driver might not have existed for a split-second when your signing occurred. This would be an exceptional circumstance but I think that's a likely explanation.

How did you sign the driver? Auction, buy now or free-agent? I'll test just to make sure it isn't anything else.
medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
The weird thing was that I moved the drivers around last night and all of the practice runs went fine a couple of hours ago. When I logged back in an hour ago to check the weather I got the error about the car in a bad way.

It's all good now but something to look out for.
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