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Can't buy driver high level

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medal 5415
1 year 67 days ago
Hi, my GF is level 17. I'm 28 and i have a 27 talent driver I want to sell it to her. It won't allowed her to do it. What level she has to be? How is that working? 
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 67 days ago
Hi Seba

            An account may not purchase a driver with a higher driver level than that of the accounts level.

The driver level is the number in brackets displayed next to the stars in the driver rating. So if she cannot place a bid on the driver, then most likely the drivers level is 18 or higher.
medal 5197
1 year 67 days ago

Hi, my GF is level 17. I'm 28 and i have a 27 talent driver I want to sell it to her. It won't allowed her to do it. What level she has to be? How is that working? 

That should he quite obvious right?

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