Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 61 days ago
I can\'t repair my car because in the screen where I have to do that, my mechanics and engineers are 0
But I have a lot of them, that I can see in my screen where my staff is.
I can\'t practise or qualify, so I hope that there is a bug...
PS: Sorry, my English isn\'t good, I know

Ralf Jaspers medal 5000 13 years 61 days ago
But you have to assign the people. You can assign them to design you car, or for merchandising, or for mechanics and engineers. Dit you do that ? Have a look at the link \"Fill driver and staff postions\" from the igpmanagers home. There you will see also a line
You have <n> support staff vacancies. Support staff adjustments are charged immediately on Save.
<n> is the amout of people, you can assign to the difererent staff ;).

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 60 days ago
I have done that.
I have 70 mecanics and a lot of designers!! My car is over 60% at this moment, but I can\'t repair it. Some elements have now only 30% and every race it will go worser.
I really don(t know what is wrong. I am here for my second season, and was on top of the standings, but now I have to laeve because I can\'t do anything...

Mihai Bogdan medal 5000 13 years 60 days ago
Pos an foto of our staff and assembly pages

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 60 days ago
Here is the screen
Here is a screen where you can see that I have mecanics...
I hope you can help me! Thanks

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 60 days ago
On the second screenshot you have a \'Update support staff\' button on the page - I presume you have clicked this?
On your assembly page the staff numbers will appear when you tick the boxes that need refits.
The numbers of staff on that page tell you how many are needed for each part to be refitted.
It looks like all the refit boxes are blank - are you having problems getting them to work?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 60 days ago
Ah, you are using internet explorer and the translation system. I am currently working on fixing this problem, it should be resolved tonight. In this browser the translation system is breaking some JavaScript functionality.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 60 days ago
Well, it took all night, but I managed to get the basics of translation working in IE, using totally different methods to other browsers. It should be fixed now?

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 59 days ago
Thanks a lot!! It works fine right now. Great job.