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Bug that cost my token and game money

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medal 5000
1 year 31 days ago
Ne yapmaya çalıştınız?
I tried to buy 10 level TD and i paid exact amount of that TD

Ne oldu?
But instead of 10 level TD i got 4 level Doctor. That cost me 1 Token and 144k money.

Problem mobil veri kullanırken mi oluştu yoksa wi-fi kullanırken mi?

Hata bilgisayarda mı yoksa uygulamada mı oluştu?

Cihazınızın modeli?
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra

İşletim istemi?

İşletim sistemi versiyonunuz?

Hata tekrarlanabilir mi?
I think

Eksta yorumlar:
medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 31 days ago

Apologies for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. I have flagged this thread to the support team's attention.

Do you happen to have the link to the TD that you originally bidded on? This may help the Support Team in their investigation.

Thank you.
medal 5000
1 year 31 days ago (Last edited by Emir Holmes 1 year 31 days ago)

Unfortunately i don't have the link to the TD that i bidded on.

Also there is one more important issue. I still have the doctor that i got instead of the TD and i'm paying price (which is too much for me 1.8m) for this doctor per race for example i paid for my last race. And interestingly i can't sell this doctor because there is another person also have this doctor. So we both have this doctor at the same time and i want to sell it. I actually dont care about TD, i just want to get rid off the doctor and my 1 token and 1.8m money back if these are possible. I have the link to the doctor;

Thank you.
medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 31 days ago

Thank you for the additional information. 
I have notified the support team about this thread and they will look into it when they get chance (it is usually within 24-36 hours).
medal 5000
1 year 31 days ago

Thank you for your support. I'm hoping that i will get the amount of money that i paid and will pay for the doctor until support team will look into it.( I mean in the end i will pay at least one or two more for doctor).

Thank you again.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 30 days ago
Hello Emir,

Apologies for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. I've returned your spent token.

Thanks Connor for your help!
medal 5000
1 year 30 days ago (Last edited by Emir Holmes 1 year 30 days ago)
Hello Ovih,

Can you also give my 3.6m back and can you take the doctor from me? Here is the link to the doctor:
medal 5000
1 year 30 days ago
Guys problem is not solved please. 
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 29 days ago

I've returned you the money for the doctor's transfer, but it isn't the amount you said it would be. It doesn't appear in your account details.
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