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Promoting .

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medal 5145
1 year 32 days ago
Currently there is only one manager in Pro tier in F1 International. He won the team championship last season. As the host, is there any way to get him promoted to Elite? Right now because of letting people go in Pro because they haven’t followed the requirement to be active is there a way to move him up? He’s a level 10. 
medal 5444 Super Mod
1 year 32 days ago

Unfortunately there is no way (outside of technical issues) to manually promote a manager from one tier to another. 

In order for the manager in question to reach Elite, they would have to get themselves promoted in the usual manner, by joining a mostly full league, finishing in the top 2/4 (dependant on 1/2 car league) and then after getting promoted, rejoining your league.
Alternatively, if you promote your league on the Leagues and Events subforum, it may lead to your Pro tier naturally growing and a promotion within your league becoming possible.

Apologies if this isn't what you wanted to hear.
medal 5145
1 year 32 days ago
I figured that but was hoping it could be done. I appreciate the input. Thanks.
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 32 days ago
I don’t think it’s suitable to promote a Level 10 player to Elite.
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