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Points when leaving

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medal 5038
1 year 31 days ago
Hi a quick question
I have some teams in pro division to make up the numbers, unfortunately one of them is going to be promoted which I don't want. I can't leave the league completely as the numbers will drop and all promotion will be turned off. The question is if I leave the league with that team, then rejoin again a couple of days later to make up the numbers again, will they be on the same points as before, or reset back to zero. Or could they leave join another league for a day then return.
medal 5444 Super Mod
1 year 31 days ago

When the team completes their first race after rejoining, they will receive their original points, plus any extra they score in the first race afterwards. 

If a team leaves a league with 100 points, leave, rejoin and then win their first race, they'll go onto 125/126 points.
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