Slo Bro medal 5010 1 year 37 days ago (Last edited by
Slo Bro 1 year 37 days ago)
I think the majority of people who replied to this post missed the general point. If you are in a 20-30 car train in monza you will realise pretty quickly why you can't really use normal game mechanics to let one car by slowing them down as that would leave you at an ers advantage or in the other case, the driver would just refuse to overtake their teammate until the advantage of speed like a faster compound of tyres are wasted. the point is team orders do exist as a manager and therefore we should be able to use them without disadvantaging ourselves.
if you wanna know how this would be implemented it would be similar to the backmarker system, you would essentially ghost straight through your teammate. When a car is being lapped and you ghost through it, only the lapping car ghosts through you so using the same exception you could then use the same logic for teammates.
Rejecting an idea like this does not really make sense due to the benefits outweighing the downsides which to be honest looking at the replies there aren't any. Most people are just being hostile towards change that can improve overall strategic dynamics of the game.
For starters: I now race 1 car but I’ve raced plenty of races on 2 cars so i do know the motions of it
If you “ghost through” you would either need a speed bump, which then everyone will use all the time cause you gain speed; or a speed loss (first car loses speed and second car ghosts through), which is a bad tactic because you lose speed overal, certainly in train races a bad idea.
And I agree with Fried Rice and Dick Dastardly, this is a management game, handling 2 cars is an aspect of it, I don’t think there’s a need to “dumb down” the game with a button.
I’m not against change, but this suggestion would take dev time away for a button that does something for you, something that’s already there.