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Initial Youth / Staff Contract

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medal 6208
1 year 30 days ago
I’m just wondering what the initial contract costs would be, for youth drivers & staff, produced from your own academy / O&H? I’m getting a lot of T30 drivers now, but wanted to know the contract, before spending 70 tokens (couldn’t find the answer though.) Is it fixed or dependent on he talent level?

Staff I’d probably hold off on, for now, but would be good to know that as well.
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 30 days ago

A T30 Driver hired from your academy should have a starting salary of 500k, and a 20 race contract.

Level 30 staff should come out of the Offices and Hospitality with 300k and 20 race contracts.

I think the starting salary is fixed when hiring from academy, but I'm not 100% sure on that front.
medal 5000
1 year 30 days ago (Last edited by Lorenzo Ziliani 1 year 30 days ago)
For the drivers from the academy, the initial salary should be 500k/race (at least for a t30, I'm not sure whether it varies with the talent) which is way cheaper than the drivers on the trasfermarket.
This salary lasts for 20 races and then goes up by 10% every 50 races.

The 500k salary is only for the team who promoted the driver, so, if you sell it, the salary goes up to over 1M/race for the next manager who buys him.
Watch out not to let the contrat expire or sell it by mistake, since, even if you buy him again, you'll still have to pay a high salary (over 1M/race) even if it was from your own academy.
medal 6208
1 year 30 days ago
Perfect. Thank you Red Craigie & Lorenzo Ziliani.
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