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race does not end on host pró account >> ID 55964

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5000
1 year 26 days ago (Last edited by Interativa Pró 1 year 26 days ago)
O que você estava tentando fazer?
Make changes to the league

O que ocorreu de fato?
I can't make changes because it says I'm in a live event

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?

O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?

Qual o modelo do seu celular?
Xiaomi Mi8 pro

Qual o sistema operacional?

Qual a versão do seu sistema operacional?

Qual é o sistema operacional do seu computador?
Windows 10

Em qual navegador ocorreu o problema?

É possível reproduzir o problema?
It's not possible to reproduce
ID 55964

Comentários adicionais:

There is only have one account in the pro category, another manager put one account but the problem persists, the race shouldn't have started in the first place.
I need this solution to make changes in the elite category where we have a championship in progress
medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 26 days ago
Apologies for any inconvenience this issue is causing.

I have flagged this thread to the Support Team's attention. 
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 26 days ago

Apologies for any inconvenience this issue is causing. It should be fixed now.
medal 5000
1 year 26 days ago
There are still some problems, for example it is not possible to delete an inactive player because the game is still
claiming it is not possible to kick within a live race.

Can you See It  again ?
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 25 days ago

I've checked again and I see everything is correct. Could you tell me which is the race you have not finished?
medal 5000
1 year 25 days ago

 The Race Bug it's ok now, but why was today's race postponed until Thursday?

Is it not possible to keep our calendar running today ?
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