Chris 'Iceman' Tones medal 5685 331 days ago (Last edited by
Chris 'Iceman' Tones 331 days ago)
50 is the midpoint of the setup range, that is why it is 50.
Most tracks are below 50 but the adjustment in elite for extreme weather (thunderbolt icon) is +50/+50 to both wings and ride height. It's a shame the condition is so rarely seen really.
Setups do not change for temperature. Only Ride Height, Driving abilities and weather conditions (Dry, Light Rain, Rain, Heavy Rain) affect the setup.
So making it easier to import a saved setup makes it much easier to arrive at a good setup.
For somebody who is already writing it down manually. There's little difference. It's the people who don't make that effort it affects. It's easier to hit save in game. This in turn leads to it being easier to find your setup, reducing reliance on perfect setup. You may not have said anything about it, but that doesn't mean your proposal doesn't impact how players interact with it.
It seems that part of your frustration is the amount of time taken to reduce the setup down from 50?
What if a better way of interacting with the setup was provided, such as directly inputting the wing and ride height settings rather than using the + / -, or a slider bar you could drag to change the figure quickly. Would that be an improvement in your eyes?
Actually inputting the value rather than using the +/- is a good idea, but if you have to look at the notepad to see what it is then just export the setup from the notepad and hit save. It's not relevant to anyone who hasn't saved it and it would be a sight quicker in general but especially for those with multiple accounts.
DD: It's not relevant to training, if they train where the ride height changes, which it does, then once the setup is input then a practice run will reflect the change, then save it to notepad and export it next time. I don't see how making something more efficient is dumbing something down. Most people that have mentioned it, mostly rookies, have had a plethora of answers saying there's a notepad and to note it down and save it.