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Suspicious profiles Rookie

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medal 5918
334 days ago (Last edited by Gianluca Fernando Fiorillo 334 days ago)
Greetings developers of IGP Manager, I would like you to check the profiles that entered between March 23rd and 24th in the Rookie category, these profiles come from the same private championship "Moto Max 3", I can't understand if these profiles with the Philippine and Americans flags who come from this private championship belong to different players or they are belong to a single or same player who creates different profiles and then inserts them into the championship I am administering, let me know the outcome of the checks. Thank you.

Cyber Formula GPX Championship

MTWTFSS at 18:00
100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
See league

medal 5144 Super Mod
334 days ago
I have flagged this for the attention of iGP Management.
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