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inactive league manager

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medal 5758
325 days ago
I just want to check the possibility to become manager of my league due to inactivity of current manager. I've tried to contact him by sending PM but he doesn't seem to be online. 
In the previous weeks he already announced to other league managers in our league that he was going to be unable to manage the league so he asked for volunteers to substitute him. I talked to him about that possibility and we agreed that I'd take over the responsibility. Other managers agreed to this too. But for some reason it seems that he had to leave before he could hand it over to me. 

Is there any possibility to hand the league manager role to me or to any other active player in our league?
medal 5118 Super Mod
325 days ago
Hi Alex.

If the host has been inactive for a set period of time. You should be able to go to the league information on your league screen, and there will be an option to become league host.

Please have a look and let me know if you can't find it.
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