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medal 5145
323 days ago
Some of the managers in F1 International are reporting that they are in negative numbers in finances including me. My team achieved a one and two today and yesterday and won money but I’m negative 702 thousand so far this season. 
medal 5118 Super Mod
323 days ago
Hi Michael.

There is a full history of your finances available in the finances section. Please review the financials to understand the position you are in. It’s very difficult for me to say whether or not there’s a problem based on the above.

Do you have lots of drivers and staff employed, that’s the most likely cause of high costs leaving you negative.
medal 5001
322 days ago
If you buy fully trained drivers from market this is an obvious consequence. You should buy your drivers from drivers' academy. Their salary will never exceed the million if you renew their contracts the least possible.
medal 5145
322 days ago (Last edited by Michael Bragg 322 days ago)
Actually not because after a few races last year and achieving the goal the money would show up on the finances page as green after the race was over for the day and season. I don’t have reserve drivers or staff but the money would show up in the green.

Today I’m in the positive for both the day and season 
medal 5324
322 days ago
I am on the opposite site and i dont have even whole crew from my facilities, just drivers and CD, and i have tons of money that i cant even use 
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