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No fueling during races

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medal 5873
313 days ago
New to the game, played a season were the host had refuelling on so it was easy to manage but however this season it’s been changed to no refuelling. 
My question was how does no refuelling actually work? 

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000
313 days ago
With no refuelling, you will set an amount of fuel to start the race with. The default amount is usually too many liters of fuel, and you will have to adjust it. You can find the amount of fuel you'll need by running a few practice laps and multiplying the fuel you use each lap by the total amount of laps in the race. Some managers use a spreadsheet to figure this out automatically, but the manual way works fine too.

Depending on the race, it's helpful to add or subtract fuel from the amount of fuel you think you need. For example, if you're running a race in really cold weather where you'll be pushing for a large percentage of the race, sometimes you need to add an extra liter or two to avoid running out.

The main thing is that whatever you choose to put in your car when setting up for the race, you can't change this during the race, so choose carefully!
medal 5000
313 days ago
With no refuelling, you will set an amount of fuel to start the race with. The default amount is usually too many liters of fuel, and you will have to adjust it. You can find the amount of fuel you'll need by running a few practice laps and multiplying the fuel you use each lap by the total amount of laps in the race. Some managers use a spreadsheet to figure this out automatically, but the manual way works fine too.

Depending on the race, it's helpful to add or subtract fuel from the amount of fuel you think you need. For example, if you're running a race in really cold weather where you'll be pushing for a large percentage of the race, sometimes you need to add an extra liter or two to avoid running out.

The main thing is that whatever you choose to put in your car when setting up for the race, you can't change this during the race, so choose carefully!
medal 5144 Super Mod
313 days ago
You have to calculate how much fuel you need to run to the end of the race and set this in the Next Race / Strategy tab.

How much fuel you load for the race will depend on how much risk you want to take. If you load too much your car will be heavier than it needs to be which will adversely affect performance. If you load too little, your car will run out of fuel before the end of the race and you will DNF.

Initially, until you gain experience, you should play it very conservative by multiplying the fuel per lap (reported in your practice laps) by the number of laps in the race and then adding a good safety margin (e.g. 6 litres for a 100% race distance / 4 litres for a 75% race or 3 litres for a 50% race). You will definitely finish the race but most likely have quite a few litres remaining. Take notes and hone your calculation based on experience.
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