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Headquarter Level Up

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medal 5001
313 days ago
I am trying to level up my headquarters. I have already leveled up Design as well as Offices and Hospitality. I am deciding between Manufacturer, Simulator, and Technology. (I'm only level 6, so I can't upgrade Youth Academy yet) What is most important to upgrade first? Suggestions? When I'm level 7, how important can Youth Academy be? Should I upgrade it?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000
313 days ago
Every manager views this differently, but I would say that in order of importance, the highest priority buildings are Design, Tech, YDA, Simulator, Manufacturing, and Offices and Hospitality at the bottom.

Considering your level, I would get your manufacturing to a sustainable level, then focus on getting design and tech to as high as your level allows. From there, I'd start working on the YDA and simulator sparingly, while still upgrading design and tech. The O&H is great in the long term, but the other 5 are more important in my opinion. 

The YDA is very important at high levels, but considering you're still level 6, the transfer market should be fine for now. I'd hold off with it until the other ones are developed well first.

I hope this helped!
medal 5000
313 days ago
Every manager views this differently, but I would say that in order of importance, the highest priority buildings are Design, Tech, YDA, Simulator, Manufacturing, and Offices and Hospitality at the bottom.

Considering your level, I would get your manufacturing to a sustainable level, then focus on getting design and tech to as high as your level allows. From there, I'd start working on the YDA and simulator sparingly, while still upgrading design and tech. The O&H is great in the long term, but the other 5 are more important in my opinion. 

The YDA is very important at high levels, but considering you're still level 6, the transfer market should be fine for now. I'd hold off with it until the other ones are developed well first.

I hope this helped!
medal 5001
312 days ago
Thank you! It really is nice to get an expert's opinion. This helped a ton!
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