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Transfer Pain

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medal 5033
302 days ago (Last edited by Nick F 302 days ago)
The market system is being really bad for me now. Last couple of days I've been glued to the screen in order to upgrade my CD & TD staff, but all I get is poor options. I've even resorted to signing said options to "clear" the market and generate new ones, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

How do you guys manage to snatch good staff every time you level up with this system? 
medal 5617
298 days ago
Patience I guess. 
medal 5019
297 days ago
Same issue here !
I do not have 18+ hours to stay in front of the monitor waiting for the CD that I want !
But ......... it is what it is !

Beep Beep

He used words ?

medal 5130
297 days ago
Just always trying at different times of the day rather than all day, trying logging in nowhere near normal race hours was what worked for me, maybe just luck ??‍♂️
medal 5033
294 days ago

Just always trying at different times of the day rather than all day, trying logging in nowhere near normal race hours was what worked for me, maybe just luck ??‍♂️

I've got a bunch of CD's locked in the basement now to cover for the next levels. Don't worry, they're well fed and taken care of. 
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