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Days gap between seasons

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medal 6095
279 days ago

I wanted to check on how the days gap apply in between to season, please confirm which one is correct assuming I am setting the days break to 3 days, which is truly 3d23h59m59s until next race and our league races on weekdays only plus current season is ending on Wednesday.

1) Next Season’s Race will start on Tuesday, It will not count weekend days in the season break.
2) Next Season’s Race will start on Sunday, It will count weekend days as part of the season break. As weekend racing is not allowed, it will actually be Monday.

medal 5123
277 days ago
Hi Akshay,

Your league will start on Tuesday.
medal 5144 Super Mod
276 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 276 days ago)
The first race of the following season will be Monday.

Your second statement is correct... With the last race of the season occurring on Wednesday and a 3 day break between seasons selected, if you raced every day the first race of next season would be Sunday. But because you don't race weekends the next available race day is Monday.
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