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driver weight

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medal 5016
262 days ago
how do i make my driver's BMI better 
medal 5118 Super Mod
262 days ago
Fitness training.

Once the BMI is green, it cannot be improved further.
medal 5376
262 days ago
Go to the training tab, then click on the pen looking then. After that, it will show three options: Driving Ability, Mentals, Physical. Then choose Physical. It will bring your driver's stamina up and will also reduce his/her weight thereby reducing BMI. Keep training physical till your driver reaches 30 in stamina and the BMI turns green.
medal 5057
262 days ago

Go to the training tab, then click on the pen looking then. After that, it will show three options: Driving Ability, Mentals, Physical. Then choose Physical. It will bring your driver's stamina up and will also reduce his/her weight thereby reducing BMI. Keep training physical till your driver reaches 30 in stamina and the BMI turns green.

Or increase their weight if the BMI is below a healthy minimum
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