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disqualification in wet race

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medal 5917
256 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 256 days ago)
Cosa hai provato a fare?
wet qualifications, rain stopped before the start, run all the race on intermedium tyre. water arrived at zero mm  during last lap

Cosa è successo invece?
drivers on I-I were disqualified

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not important

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
with weather in the same conditions

Commenti addizionali: (no disqualifications) ( a lot of disqualifications)
medal 5038
256 days ago
This isn't a bug, there was no rain falling at the start of the race so it's classed as a dry race and 2 compounds need to be used, because your only on 50% race distance the track didn't dry fully before the end, so for future use you need to stop and put a dry tyre on before the end as the inters already used will count towards the 2 tyre rule.
medal 5917
256 days ago

This isn't a bug, there was no rain falling at the start of the race so it's classed as a dry race and 2 compounds need to be used, because your only on 50% race distance the track didn't dry fully before the end, so for future use you need to stop and put a dry tyre on before the end as the inters already used will count towards the 2 tyre rule.

if this is not a bug, this is something to improve. If the track is wet, there is no sense to use a dry compound... and also rains could come back...

In the previous race , rains began and stopped in grid... so it could happen also in the last lap...or after your pit stop for wear dry compound... do you think it is correct oblige to use a dry tyre in this situation?
medal 5038
256 days ago
Yes it's something the Devs know about, they did change it recently to allow the inter to count towards the 2 tyre rules. If any rain falls during the actual race then it's classed as 'wet'. 
In your situation if rain had fell anytime, even on the last lap then you wouldn't of been DSqd.
It's not ideal for shorter run races as the track can still be wet before the finish, but it's something now you can manage and everyone will be in the same boat so your not at any disadvantage.
medal 5110 Super Mod
256 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 256 days ago)
Hi Simone

               As Wholly says, because rain never fell during the race, it is seen as a dry race which means the two tyre rule is active. Because there was water on the track, the inter and wet compounds counted towards the two tyre rule, but in this case that did not help because you had water on the track virtually the entire race, meaning inters were the logical tyre throughout. It's a very rare situation for a 50% distance race.

The suggestion for an improvement has been passed through, but I would not expect anything immediate.

All I can do right now is try and clearly explain the conditions:

Assuming that the two tyre league rule is on

If Rain Falls During the Race: then the two tyre rule will be disabled.

If Rain does not Fall During the Race: the two tyre rule is ON.

If Rain does not Fall During the Race and There is Water on the Track During the Race: The two tyre rule is still ON and Inters and Wets count towards the two tyre rule as well as Dry tyres.

If Rain does not Fall During the Race and There is No Water on the Track: The two tyre rule is ON and only DRY compounds count towards the two tyre rule.

By During the Race, What I mean is from when the lights go out and the cars start moving, to when the chequered flag drops.

If anything is unclear please let me know and I will try to clarify.
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