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medal 4993
252 days ago
Promotions and Relegations not happening in my league...
Settings switched on.
But no promotions or Relegations work between rookie / pro / elite.

Can anyone advise.
medal 5437 Super Mod
252 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 252 days ago)

Pro and Elite did not have any promotions or relegations as for these to happen, the tier must be at least half full - for a 2 car league, you need at least 15 managers in a tier to activate relegation.

For promotion from Rookie to Pro, this is a recurrent issue which the Support Team should be able to rectify. As such, I have flagged this thread to their attention so they can manually promote the affected teams.

Sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
252 days ago
Hello Richard,

I'm sorry for the problems caused. I've done the promotion manually.
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