Simon Lin medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
Ok, very stupid question, what does the Talent rating do? i always thought it was the cap as to how far up the other ratings can go up to, but i have seen many drivers with higher attributes than the talent

M Hauck medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
Talent increases overall speed of a driver or quality of other staff members, The max level for every attribute is level20, But the point is, that the talent cant be trained.
So a driver with talent 10, will never get such good like a driver with level 20.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 8 years 166 days ago
Think of Talent like a multiplier, but not a huge multiplier.
Like M Hauck says, a driver with Talent 10 can't compete like a Talent 20 driver. Even if both drivers have every single attribute matching each other's.

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
However, a talent ten driver can match a talent 18 driver if every attribute is one higher than the talent 18 drivers attributes. I know this by recent experience.

Simon Lin medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
thanks guys

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
but it's a good question in CD or TD. how knows what is better? Talent vs Stars???

Paul Holian medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
but it's a good question in CD or TD. how knows what is better? Talent vs Stars???
I seen this in a different section of the furum. Jack said Stars are better than talent

dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago
yes, i can see that in the transfers list, guys with 5 stars are disappearing LOL

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago (edited 8 years 165 days ago)
James, Those numbers would suggest you are correct but that is not the whole story. While it is clear that talent and experience do not give as large an advantage as in classic Igp, they also clearly do give some advantage. In the Chinese race your more talented and experienced driver was 17 seconds faster than the low talent and experience driver. I do think that maybe a little more advantage for those characteristics might be justified but I like that development of driver stats is a viable way to manage your team, especially since new drivers are so expensive. That allows a newer manager to keep his drivers longer and still compete. If finances become a more important part of IGP then the current advantage for experience and talent may be about right because new teams will not be able to afford to just buy drivers every season.

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago (edited 8 years 165 days ago)
Chopping and changing drivers works out fine if you are only keeping only 2 drivers, the money you spend on signing fees you get it back selling the other driver.
The 1 Talent driver I got for free from the academy if you don't count the 15tonkens to hire him.
Wanting people buy & level up all the facilities Talent needs to be more meaningful in races.
The times in each sector between the 2 drivers was only 0.1 the gap between the two drivers in the race is really down to one driver getting DRS and the other not getting DRS.
We cant really judge the driver in China, He wasn't using his own car setup. Tonight brings better insight to how he performs

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago
I have found that my youth academy drivers are very fast. I wonder if the new drivers are faster than legacy drivers. Is your more experienced driver a carryover from classic Igp? When I switched from my legacy drivers I compared them with new level 18 talent academy drivers and the less experienced academy drivers were faster than my legacy level 20 talent drivers.

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago (edited 8 years 165 days ago)
That he is, everyone on the transfer market is legacy staff/drivers, have yet to see an up to date driver or staff member. Guess there will likely never be any until Jack gets retirements sorted out.
My two guys are equal speed even though there are big differences in them.

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago (edited 8 years 165 days ago)
There are always youth academy drivers and they are cheap but it took about 20 to 25 tokens to get two talent 18 academy drivers and then a lot more tokens to get their stats built up to my then player level of 9. No telling what it would take at your level 18.
I run three youth academy drivers which costs about $950,000. One is always out of the race so can be trained down to single digit health. That speeds up training at no cost. I also enjoy the luxury of racing only three times per week which allows quicker driver training as even my active drivers can be trained down to single digit health and still recover in time for my races.

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago
Yikes, so you are say the price to hire academy drivers goes up as you level it up?
15 for level1 so 35 for level20 1extra token for each level, I'm guessing.

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago
No, sorry that dollar amount is the wages for all three drivers. It only costs one token per scouting atempt but it took about 25 attempts to get two level 18 talent drivers. But they had low levels in their characteristics which I built up by healing during training.

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 8 years 165 days ago (edited 8 years 164 days ago)
I only had to build up stats of my drivers to level 9. You would have to build up stats to level 18. that's a lot of training