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what wheels to use

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medal 5179
236 days ago
i need some recomendatios about what wheel to use on high and low temperatures, i learned that harder wheel are sometimes more efective when is hot.
the question now is what temperature is high and low (if youcan specify in numbers it will be perfect thanks)

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5019
236 days ago

i need some recomendatios about what wheel to use on high and low temperatures, i learned that harder wheel are sometimes more efective when is hot.
the question now is what temperature is high and low (if youcan specify in numbers it will be perfect thanks)

There’s no specific temperature, depends on the track

medal 5019
236 days ago

i need some recomendatios about what wheel to use on high and low temperatures, i learned that harder wheel are sometimes more efective when is hot.
the question now is what temperature is high and low (if youcan specify in numbers it will be perfect thanks)

There’s no specific temperature, depends on the track

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